Feature Integration

Enhancing personal travel management through webapp
MYKUONI+ cover image

The goal of this project was to add a new feature to an existing product. Kuoni has been a global leader in the travel industry creating tailor-made trips through their travel experts. This service has been done mostly offline up until now. Their customers want the ability to view and manage a quote proposed, as well as see and manage bookings online. Adding this new feature required keeping the design consistent with the current design aesthetic. I decided to create my design in the mobile view of the webpage to gain more experience designing for a mobile environment.

My role consisted of conducting research, design and testing of the design.

My Role: UX/UI Designer, UX Researcher

Tools Utilized: Pen and Paper, Figma, Zoom, Google Forms, Google Drive

Duration: 2 Weeks

View Prototype

Feature Integration


The goal of this project was to add a new feature to an existing product. Kuoni has been a global leader in the travel industry creating tailor-made trips through their travel experts. This service has been done mostly offline up until now. Their customers want the ability to view and manage a quote proposed, as well as see and manage bookings online. Adding this new feature required keeping the design consistent with the current design aesthetic. I decided to create my design in the mobile view of the webpage to gain more experience designing for a mobile environment.

My role consisted of conducting research, design and testing of the design.

My Role: UX/UI Designer, UX Researcher

Tools Utilized: Pen and Paper, Figma, Zoom, Google Forms, Google Drive

Duration: 2 Weeks

View Prototype
Kuoni App Feature

Market Research, Competitor Analysis, User Surveys
To start this project, I created a research plan that outlined my goals and some key areas I wanted to discover more about. I focused on the following questions:

  • Why are travel agencies necessary?
  • What do tailor-made travel offer over traditional travel?
  • What motivates people to use personalized travel services?
  • What influences a person’s decision to purchase a tailor-made trip?
  • What methods are used to communicate with the customer when planning the trip?
  • What features are expected when booking a tailor-made experience?
  • What are people’s pain points and motivations when booking and managing a trip?

I performed two methods of research: market research/competitor analysis and user surveys. I began with market analysis and competitive analysis gathering information to better understand travel industry trends and standards. I chose 4 travel companies that offer tailor-made booking experiences similar to Kuoni and wrote down some of their strengths and weaknesses that would help me design the app experience.

Market research App Feature

I then created a survey through Google Forms that asked specific questions to users about their pain points, goals, and expectations when booking a trip. I also asked about their likelihood of using a service like Kuoni to book a tailor-made experience. I collected 42 responses from my survey in which the majority traveled more than 2+ per year and were between the ages of 25-65+.

The key findings of the survey were:

  • 71% responded that their preferred method of planning a trip is to plan it themselves but don’t mind asking for advice.
  • Only 33% of participants said they have used a travel agency or personalized travel service to book a vacation.
  • The preferred method of communication was consistent across different age groups with the majority preferring email communication with a travel agent for the first and subsequent interactions, not chat or text message.
  • 62% of participants responded that they keep travel details on an electronic device but only 19% indicated using a mobile app
  • 50% of participants who indicated they would enjoy the experience of a travel expert were in the age range of 35-44. This age range statistically is traveling with younger children which means many details to manage.

I also asked open ended questions in order to get some personal quotes from people on their experience with travel planning.

From my research, I identified common pain points centered around the following:

  • Lack of transparency with regard to fees, accommodations, and important travel information
  • Trustworthy/Reliability is paramount in order to trust someone else to plan your trip
  • Human Factor is missing from online interactions when planning a trip
  • Over saturation of choices makes it difficult for the customer to sort through information and get to what is really important to them
  • Problems accessing and managing travel booking information from anywhere

User Personas
I developed two user personas for this project. These personas demonstrate key user goals and frustrations based on the feedback and insights gained during my research phase.

User Persona 1


To treat this project like a real-world example, I developed a set of business, user, and technical goals. This helped me think about data driven results and reduce my personal opinions on what the design should be.

business goals

To understand how my user would navigate through the feature, I created user flows centered around managing their upcoming trip and messages with the travel expert. These flows illustrated to me the more common use of the app after booking the trip with the travel expert.

user flows

From my user flows I drew up quick sketches of the home/dashboard pages, user trip screens and messages to get a general layout of the site pages.


Low-Fidelity Wireframes
I took my sketches and converted them into low-fidelity wireframes in Figma. These screens represented the post log-in environment and after entering into the new feature. I kept in mind my user needs from my user personas and research when developing the screens.


Style Tile

After I was satisfied with the layout of the wireframes, I incorporated my style elements and converted them into hi-fidelity screens. I kept in mind the current color scheme, typography, and imagery of Kuoni’s brand. The brand’s visual aesthetics are

  • Clean
  • Modern
  • Visual-focused (let the pictures of places speak!)
  • Trustworthy and reliable
  • Premium—almost luxurious
style tile

Hi-Fidelity Prototype and Usability Testing
For testing, I converted my designs into a working prototype in Figma. I chose to test my mobile prototype design with three participants who have booked travel arrangements in an online environment. I performed my usability testing remotely via zoom and took notes of their experiences with the feature.

View Prototype

For testing the UI elements of this project, I decided to focus on the following:

  1. Test effectiveness of the user flow through the feature and provide an overall enjoyable experience
  2. Understand pain points and frustrations of the user
  3. Understand areas of improvement
  4. Test how users navigate through managing their trip, making changes to activities, and accepting their travel plans

Priority Matrix

I compiled the responses of my usability test and developed a priority matrix of the key takeaways into improvements based on level of effort and user impact.

priority matrix

Summary of Feedback

  • The overall aesthetics of the feature were favorable with comments such as “clean and colorful”, “easy to navigate”, and “images are enticing for traveling”.
  • The my trips section on the homepage was not clear to participants, some thought it was the company’s current promotions
  • Participants mentioned that the “manage my trips” page was lacking detail and they would like to have more information about their trip displayed
  • All participants mentioned that notifications were missing to alert them to perform an action

Iteration & Implementation

Based on these results, I decided to go back and implement some changes to those issues I identified as top and high priority. These iterations included:

  • Created entry screen to the feature from the website in mobile and desktop view
  • Adding additional screen for the trip prior to to edit screens
  • Updated travel screens to include additional detail about departure/arrival
  • Updated messages screens
  • Incorporated notifications elements to the home screen menu and trip screens
  • Incorporated more trip detail information on the home screen for each trip booked

Overall, this project gave me an opportunity to experience what it could be like to work within an existing product and brand’s voice. Utilizing tools like Inspection Tool to identify fonts in a browser and determining UI elements to bring into the design was essential for this process.

My next steps would be to continue to add some more features that I laid out in the feature roadmap and conduct more user testing to gain additional feedback.

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