about me

picture of me
On the job hunt
Reach out if you would like to work together!

In my past life, I worked for the US Army as a Contract Specialist executing and awarding complex building and construction projects, medical research programs, and grants. Doing this required strong research skills, project management expertise, collaborating with others, outside the box thinking and communicating ideas effectively. This fast paced environment developed my abilities to work in cross-functional teams successfully, to ideate to find effective solutions for my customers, and experience working independently on large-scale projects.

I have always admired people who take risks and pursue their passions in life. After taking a year to stay home and raise my daughter, I reflected on my career path and decided it was time to reinvent myself. Design has been a passion and hobby of mine since I was little. I studied communication and business at university but learned to design and code on my own. As a product designer, my past experiences combined with my passion for creative thinking empowers me to shape innovative solutions for both user and business goals.

In my free time, I enjoy exploring nearby parks with my family, going to the beach, tossing a disc around, and watching reruns of The Office.  I’m a hard worker with a bubbly personality and curious mind. Ultimately, I value being around people and sharing experiences.


Continuous Learning

I am consistently seeking opportunities to develop myself. Whether it is teaching myself HTML and web design, attending virtual meetups, or collaborating on projects, I am immersing myself into the design community.

Lead with Compassion

Empathy and kindness are things I try to bring to my work and daily life. Having respect for others helps you understand different perspectives and staying true to yourself shapes your perspective of life..

Seek Balance and Embrace the Journey

Being a mother has taught me about the importance of balance. Embracing both successes and failures limits stagnation and allows for continual personal growth. Life is about adventure, fun, and being open to the possibilities around you.